The Mission of the Nurture of Ministry Committee
Advance document for Fall Quarterly Gathering, 2024
The Nurture of Ministry Committee met last week to discuss our priorities for the coming year. We would like to have the description of our committee brought to the quarterly meeting in October for approval.
It seems most helpful to ask the meeting to approve our expanded description [below] to give anyone who questions our work a place to bring up their concerns. To have the approval of the meeting would empower us to move more confidently into the work we feel called to do.
— Leann Williams
The Proposed Description:
The mission of the Committee for Nurture of Ministry is to help Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends to grow in its ability to nurture public ministry in all its diverse forms, and to encourage the ministers among us.
On behalf of the Yearly Meeting, the committee helps Friends through the processes of recording or licensing their gifts of public ministry. The committee also seeks to support and care for Friends who are already in public ministry roles, and to help our meetings and churches to have strong relationships of love and mutual accountability with the ministers serving among them. When invited, we stand ready to help meetings and churches with pastoral transitions and other situations that might require special care and sensitivity.
Anna Baker, North Valley
Faith Marsalli, Klamath Falls
Laura Simmons, West Hills
Leann Williams, direct member