Member Churches
Camas Friends Church, Washington
Camas Friends is a participatory, Christ-centered Quaker meeting in Camas, Washington, that seeks to live out our faith by loving God and loving our neighbors. We are diverse in our beliefs, backgrounds, and personal experiences. This as an asset to who we are. We work to be a welcoming community for all people, one that loves without judgment. It is important to us to be active in our community and to care for those in need the best we can. We are open to dialogue, we like good questions, and we value the practice of listening.
We invite you to attend in person or on zoom. See our website for zoom link. We meet for worship at 1004 NE 4th Avenue , Camas, WA 98607
Eugene Friends Church, Oregon
Eugene Friends is a growing Quaker fellowship of people who seek to listen to God, who believe that the Holy Spirit enlightens and transforms, and who believe that the Bible guides us to understand God’s will. We honor that of God in every person, inviting all to join in the life of our church. We hold space for each other to grow in Christ, and to enjoy each one’s giftedness. Especially in difficult times, we remind ourselves that we are called to love as Christ loved us.
We offer this love in practical ways – through encouraging respectful and authentic relationships, and by serving in our community and beyond our borders. Sunday choices for worship include an early intimate service, Sunday school, an 11 a.m. service with a sermon, singing, prayer, and traditional Quaker open worship, in person and on zoom.
We also offer a time on Sunday for work and camaraderie in our garden and an evening gathering around the fire pit. Our “First Sunday” potluck is a cherished activity. When we meet for business once a month, all active attenders may share in decision-making.
We invite you to join us. Visit our website for the zoom link and times for Sunday activities, including worship.
Gathering Friends Meeting, Washington
Gathering Friends Meeting (GFM) is an unprogrammed Quaker Meeting that was formed to create a safe, welcoming sacred space for Quaker worship in the South Puget Sound of Washington state.
We welcome all people into full participation in the life of the meeting regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, race, country of origin, documentation, economic status, age, mental or physical ability, relationship or marital status, or other differences.
Our worship is unprogrammed, meaning that it follows the early Friends tradition of having no planned
elements, only open worship.Although we are grounded in our Quaker, Judeo-Christian roots, we honor and engage with the wisdom
literature of other traditions. We are informed by our experience of the divine, our living planet, our Quaker
testimonies and the respect for each other.Our intention is to worship, nurture the Light in each other, and support each other as we do peace, social justice
and ecological work in the world.We are building a community that is a welcoming space for healing, deep worship and worship sharing,
wonderful potlucks and a place where friendships have been growing in community.For more information, please contact info@gatheringfriends.org.
Hillsboro Friends Church, Oregon
Hillsboro Friends strives to be a community of folks who seek to understand and live out the words and actions of Jesus Christ. Deeply committed to the belief that every human being is worthy of existing and being loved unconditionally, we welcome all to the table (figuratively and literally). This is a place where you can ask hard questions, silly questions, or no questions at all, if you prefer.
We meet at 5 p.m. on Thursdays in a classroom at Hillsboro First Congregational Church, 494 E Main St., Hillsboro, OR. There is a small parking lot on SE 5th Avenue and an entrance there.
Each meeting for worship lasts about an hour and is hosted by a member of Hillsboro Friends Church.
Please call (503) 648-1814 or email hillsborofriendschurch@gmail.com with any questions.
Klamath Falls Friends Church, Oregon
Klamath Falls Friends is a Christian community with a Quaker emphasis.
The image of God is imprinted indelibly upon every person so people are important. Christ’s love for us and the world compels us to acknowledge this supreme value of every person and life form. We seek unity without uniformity and diversity without division; choosing to believe that contrasts can enrich our life together.
God wishes to lay concerns and responsibilities on all who will allow it since each is of equal importance and invited to be a minister of Truth in a given area. We are called to be especially mindful of the poor and disadvantaged around us and throughout the world.
Please join us for worship on zoom or in person. Check our website for the zoom link. We’re located at 1918 Oregon Ave, Klamath Falls, OR 97601
North Seattle Friends Church, Washington
We are a community of people gathered to Listen to God and follow God’s leadings. We love Jesus!
We are all ministers and seek to support each other in our ministries. We welcome all who desire to join us in this God adventure as we listen to God and liberate each other to live into our place in the world!
We seek to be a welcoming and inclusive community that encourages people to better love God, love others, and love ourselves. To love ourselves is to embrace our unique, God-given identity and gifts, given to us for our own sake and as a potential blessing to others.
We strive to be a safe space that gathers all people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives to worship and minister together in unity and in the Quaker tradition.
We meet at 17900 Linden Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133 at 10:30 am.
For more information, please visit our website or contact us at office@northseattlefriends.org
Silverton Friends Church, Oregon
Silverton Friends embraces the Quaker testimony of equality, including the concept of “that of God in everyone.” Each person has the potential to relate to God, and no person is greater or lesser in God’s eyes. Silverton welcomes ALL people into full participation in the life of the meeting regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, race, country of origin, documentation, economic status, age, mental or physical ability, relationship or marital status, or other differences.
Make yourself at home. You are welcome here.
West Hills Friends Church, Oregon
We at West Hills Friends want to be people who live abundantly yet simply, trusting that the best things in life come gently and freely, without harming the earth or other people. We want to follow Christ against the grain of the dominant culture. It's not easy to do this alone, so we help each other.
Some of us look for ways to feed the hungry in our own neighborhoods. Some of us have traveled far from home as medical workers or as advocates for peace and justice. Still others express their faith through art and music. However it is expressed, each example of vital faith is a gift to the whole community. We know that God is at work within us and through us, because we can see lives change.
We love to extend our hospitality to those who might wander in, maybe not knowing much about us, or maybe having heard a little about Quakers. There is warmth and acceptance here, which encourages authenticity. We want to hear your questions, your insights and your experience of God.
To attend on zoom, please email office@westhillsfriends.org for the link.
Visit our website for in-person worship times and place. You are welcome here!