Not just a newsletter...

It’s a blast to create this Bulletin.  We are grateful to our readers! Subscriptions are up by 35 people in a year. Roughly 62% of people who receive it,  open it. That’s up from about 50% when we started. 

But we aren't aiming just to put out a newsletter. 

We're wanting our readers to engage with the material—so it makes a difference in their lives and in our community. This is especially true with the reports and proposals submitted by Sierra-Cascades committees. We want our readers to engage with committees' ideas, plans, proposals. We want our readers to feel "in the know," especially when they get to business sessions. 

We looking for more news, ideas, writings, from all across our Yearly Meeting. We also have a new column on "passages"—please let us know of births, adoptions, marriages, deaths, within your meeting or among direct members of our Yearly Meeting. Send these to

We are considering doing a podcast, but would need some technical wisdom on this. Occasionally, other tasks we do are more techy in nature. If you are, too, please consider being on our committee!  We especially need members who are not from Camas Friends, as all of us on the committee now are active in CFC. 

Judy Maurer, clerk, Communications Committee
Nikai Sherlock
Val Stoehr