Quarterly Gathering Minutes Oct. 23, 2021
Quarterly Gathering of SCYMF convened by Zoom for Worship at 10 AM. Business meeting at 1:30 PM: Present: Gil George, Robert Wade, Sarah Katreen Hoggatt, Julie Peyton, Dave Cundiff, Rachel Hampton, Meg Rice, Anna Baker, Mike Huber, Diane Beebe, Pat Matthews, Matt Boswell, Wendy Davenport, Robin Mohr, David Peyton, Lorraine Watson, Karen and Roy, Sue Scott, Judy Maurer, Norma Siliman, Promise Partner, Joyce Meyers and Evelyn Meyers, Earl Smith, Willow Githens, Jill Hoyenga, Ruba Byrd, Cynthia Howland, Patty Federighi, David Peyton, Cherice Bock, Charity K Sandstrom, Cecilia Hudson, Cynthis Howland, Daniel Lean-Moctezuma, Dorothy Day, Earl Smith, Faith Marsalli, Jade Rockwell, Julie Peyton, KayLynn, Leslea/Leslie Logan, Lorraine Watson, Lynette C. Norma Silliman, Robert Rader, Robert Wade, Ruba Byrd, Sue Scott, Wendy Davenport.
Centering: [MH] The bright colors of autumn are revealed when the trees let go of making chlorophyl, Just so, it’s good to let go of decisions we want to defend, let go of our ideas and listen to the Spirit. Let’s go into silence and I will end when Spirit calls.
Intro: 1:37 We will begin by acknowledging the people on whose lands we are gathering on across the Pacific Northwest. [See list in the agenda attached below.]
Visitors: Daniel Lean-Moctezuma from Honduras, member of Mexico City MM of PacYM. Robin Mohr, FWCC section of the Americas, member of PhilYm, Earl Smith, member of Stillwater in OhioYM
Greetings from FWCC (by Robin Mohr): FWCC wants to welcome SCYMF. I’ve been in FWCC for 10 years, originally from PacYM. Mission: Responding to God’s call for universal love, bringing together Friends from varied traditions and cultural experiences in worship, communication and service. FWCC is the central clearing house of some 50 yearly meetings around the world. FWCC has 3 full time staff. Gil George is the newest full-time staff; he is dedicated to technical support. Julie Peyton is a member of the FWCC Exec Comte.
Next week, there will be a conference of women in Latin America and Africa. World Conf www.FWCCamericas.org. Also visit the YouTube account for the Friends World Committee. On March 12, 2022, is the Biennial Section Meeting 2024 World Plenary Meeting in Durban S. Africa. Online training platform for working together.
Finance Cmte Report: Dave Cundiff, Clerk of Finance Cmte, an independent Robert Wade is treasurer, Finance Cmte attempts to translate God’s will, as understood by the entire YM, into financial policy and agendas. The spending plan is asking us to step forward to support the YM operating budget with an expanded spending plan. We reviewed socially conscious mutual funds and selected Everence Funds, specifically their Praxis Genesis Balanced Portfolio Class ($61,721), and Praxis Genesis Conservative Class A ($56,260). Willow Githens offered to participate in Finance Cmte deliberations. [She was encouraged to do so.]
David Peyton: There are two ways to think about the nest egg fund: as one-time contributions andas on-going contributions. Items coming to Finance should be processed through another committee, rather than proposals coming from individuals.
Dave Cundiff: we need to consider how to spend our endowment. Maybe we should have a separate finance comte to discuss the expenditures for social justice.
Promise Partner, Clerk of Equity&Inclusion, [promisewpartner@gmail.com] invites communication on this matter.
The Financial status of SCYMF
Judy Maurer: I admire the work that has gone into this. I’m a big picture person. Do we want to accrue an endowment or spend down our endowment? I’m not asking for answers right now.
Dave C: We recognize that Finance cmte is not the place to decide these questions. We are servants of the YM.
Robert Wade: Our current Spending Plan for July 2021-June 2022: We hope to have an on-site YM in 2022 and if so, we expect about $20,000 in registration fees. Projected spending for the budget is $50,442. Will we need to dip into reserves or will we receive income to meet this budget? The spending plan is a living document that can be changed.
The Finance Cmte is asking for approval of the Spending Plan, which would require an increase of contributions from individuals from $3,670 to $6,500 and an increase from congregations from $18,259 to $21,000. Enthusiasm can usually translate to monetary contributions, but money does not always reflect or produce enthusiasm. Travel funds are provided for Equity and Inclusion and People Care and for Clerks’ travel. Coordinating Cmte will allocate these.
Robert Wade: The Quarterly Income Statement July-Sept 2021: $56,083 received, of which $56,066 came from NWYM. NWYM plans to send another $70,000. Total receipts from NWYM is just over $240,000. Total Reimbursement of the past Quarter was $5982.21, of which $3,000 were for the Protection Project. Reimburse Employee Benefits $609.00. SCYMF is acting as a channel to provide health and life insurance coverage to full-time employees of member churches.
Balance Sheet as of Sept 30, 2021: Total assets $244,957, of which $115,148 is in bank accounts.
Total Liabilities: $0.
2;;55 pm: Mike HUBER: Thank you to Ruba for wonderful music during worship today. I want to offer some observations. Our values can conflict at times: that we won’t create a complex infrastructure. Not have people burdened with tasks that don’t have full leading by Spirit. Sometimes we ask “who is the person or comte that does that thing?” But we may not have a suitable comte set up. I notice, as clerk, that if we had all the structures and cmtes operating, it would be clear who/which [to refer a particular matter to]. Along these lines, we may have requests for credentials from, say the Veterans Adm, for ministers whom they want to validate. It seems that Nurture of Ministry Cmte is the appropriate cmte for these requests. [Instead,] NomCmte has accepted that responsibility, but I wanted to inform the YM of this. Are there thoughts?
Juulie Downs: If I want the YM to endorse a particular effort, who would I talk to?
MH: It could start with the MM, or the Eq&Inc Cmte or the Coordinating Cmte
MH: Another matter is if someone wants to communicate with SCYMF, including Quaker organizations. For example, Cherice and Dov attended NPYM; Clerk David Dice sent out a letter of gratitude for their attendance in.
3:06: Nominating Cmte report: Matt Boswell:
Clerk’s Business: Nurture of Ministry will convey pastoral credentials
Clerk’s Business: Traveling endorsement from NPYM
Nom Cmte: NC is looking for co-clerk position, and for Assistant Clerk.
Rachel: What is the job description for Assistant Clerk?
Gil: There wasn’t one when I started.
Mike Huber spoke of the advantages and stability afforded by overlapping terms.
Story Cmte report: Gil George: Gill would like to have other members involved in Story Cmte. In June, there was some enthusiasm to gather stories and then discern what to do with them. Maybe books, orin audio format. Stories of the formation of SCYMF and the years leading up to the separation.
Willow G: We’d have to tell the hard side of the story, too. We had hardships in creating the YM. The split was difficult because some felt discriminated against for sexual identity.
GG: That’s really the purpose for this project.
MHuber: I’m glad you’re with us, Willow.
Rachel: Do you want to recruit members for the cmte?
GG: Yes. Some help with the questions to draw out the stories. It needs to be more than me.
3:29 PM: Abuse Prevention update Jade Rockwell, a member of Camas Friends, but living in Richmond IN while enrolled at ESR.
The Abuse Prev Taskforce was tasked to provide protection for children form sexual abuse. We decided that we needed professional input. As an M.Div. student, I am helping with this project. The budget just passed includes a line item of $7,500 for this project. Child abuse is often underemphasized as a justice issue. We have had four consultations with Safe Commuiities, based in PA. I am working on parts 1 & 2 of 5 parts. Changing our culture so we are all proactive and strong advocates for children. The first 2 sections focus on theological and purpose statements and legal definitions and statutes of limitations for WA and OR. My own meeting is moving in the direction of having this stuff handled by the YM. Based on what I’ve learned about other community experiences, including NWYM, and how they struggled in creating strong policies, it would be helpful for the [SC]YM to handle this. This may require that MMs defer to the policies of the YM with training and support provided by the YM for MMs. We want to have the resources available. We will distribute a survey for the clerk of [either] MMs or Children’s Cmte to complete.
We have a training scheduled on Nov 20th from 9am to 11:30 AM. (Contact jadethedoula@gmail.com)
A draft of the theological and purpose statement. At this point, the comte is seeking input on the draft. The final docs will be presented to YM in June 2022.
?: what about vulnerable adults?
Jade: This is related to pastoral sexual ethics, which we discussed, too. We recognize that these are important, but our comte was tasked with children[‘s safety], so we aren’t prepared to generate a comprehensive policy that includes vulnerable adults. WA and OR mandate reporting for vulnerable adults. Our report will focus on children. It will mention physical abuse, but it is focused on sexual abuse.
MH: Thank you Jade. I think this is an example where we think, “someone in authority should do this.” But this comte is tasked with the safety of children at this point. There is a conflict between a leading…
Promise: We encourage pastors and youth comte, anyone who wants to work with children at YM [to participate in these workshops and this committee], and all of the people who have passed the background check for working with children.
Willow: Where would the trainings be held? Jade: On Zoom.
MH: Thank you for the work that
Jade is doing on this important matter.
Are there other matters of business?
MH: Recall that Gil suggested an alternative way to move forward: The story project will proceed in two parts: collection and then the distribution of stories. This was APPROVED.
Small groups. Join us Feb 26 for next Quarterly. Annual sessions in Canby Grove June 17-19.
MH: Thank you for your leadership and willingness to spend several hours to strengthen our community. I think we are clear [to leave].
Agenda: October 2021 Annual Gathering Business Meeting Agenda Overview
1:30 p.m. | Sarah
Centering Worship
1:40 p.m. | Sarah
Introduction and outline We are gathering on the traditional lands of the Klamath, Kalapuya, Molalla, Multnomah, Chinook, Paiute, Cowlitz, Yakama, Snohomish, Nisqually, Snoqualmie, Duwamish, Suquamish, Siletz, Coos, Tillamook, Umatilla, Tulalip, Lummi, Makah, Kathlamet, Quileute, Quinalt, Wahkiakum, Clackamas, Willapa, Umpqua and many, many others.
1:40 p.m. | Sarah
Welcoming Visitors
2:00 p.m. | Sarah
Greetings from FWCC
2:00 p.m. | Robert + Sarah
Finance Committee report: Spending plan and update on transfer of assets from NWYM
B R E A K I hope you'll take some time to visit our virtual book table: http://www.barclaypressbookstore.com/sierra-cascades-yearly-meeting-book-table
2:40 p.m. | Mike
Clerks’ business: Nurture of Ministry will coordinate communicating SCYMF ministry credentials to outside groups that may inquire (e.g. VA).
2:45 p.m. | Mike
Clerks’ business: traveling endorsement from NPYM
2:50 p.m. | Mike B. + Mike
Nominating Report
2:40 p.m. | Mike
Story committee report
3:05 p.m. | Jade R. + Mike
Abuse Prevention Update: *Theological/purpose statement draft (invitation to email with feedback) *Other things being drafted into this section of policy (invitation to email with feedback) *Survey for Meetings *First training scheduled for Saturday, November 20th 9am-11:30am- what will be covered *Questions about process and next steps