Quarterly/Annual Gathering Committee | July 26, 2020
Present on Zoom call: Lynette Cortez, Eli Craig, Rachel Hampton, Meg Rice, Vicki Stave The next Quarterly Gathering is planned for Saturday, October 24, 2020. We had hoped it could be partially in-person at Eugene Friends, but after discussion we discerned that it needs to be fully virtual, so we will recommend to the Clerks that it be a Zoom meeting. Music for Quarterly: possible leadership was discussed for music and worship on Oct 24, for about a 45-60 minute session. Workshops: Since we didn’t do workshops at Annual Sessions, we’d like to offer some at Quarterly. We will email clerks of each SCYMF committee, asking them to start thinking of workshop ideas/leaders. We will also publicize the request for workshops on the Facebook Group page, and in the weekly bulletin. Deadline for workshops is August 31 (including name of workshop, who will lead, brief description). Suggested agenda for Oct 24: Worship and music – 45 to 60 minutes Workshops – 60 minutes Break for lunch Business session (length determined by Clerks based on agenda items) Assignments: - Email SCYMF clerks to inform them of our feeling that Oct 24 Quarterly gathering should be virtual only. Also ask clerks to think of workshops they would like to suggest. Deadline for workshops is August 31. - Follow up with possible leader(s) for music and worship on Oct 24.