Submit a Travel Fund Report.
Thank you for submitting this report on your travel/visitation! Your report helps to encourage other traveling ministers, helps the broader community of SCYMF benefit from the travel, and provides relationship building between far-flung Friends.
We hope that you are willing for us to share this report with others, realizing that it might encourage others to answer their leadings to visit other Friends. We also understand that sometimes elements of a travel experience might feel sensitive or private and need to be shared only with the Committee that approved the travel. We will not share any financial information (such as travel costs, amounts donated by you, your meeting or other meetings, or SCYMF) to anyone other than those on the Committee who need to know.
If you want to speak in person with someone on the People Care Committee about any of your experiences, whether or not you share them in this report, please let us know. We would be happy to set up a time to talk with you.
Request for Reimbursement: Please list your actual total travel expenses by category. Knowing what your travel cost will help our planning as we offer funds to others, even if your expenses were donated.