Workshops at Annual Sessions, 2024

The Power of Enough

with Jackie Stillwell

in-person only

How can we balance our use of time, energy, and “things,” to free us for action to do God’s work and to contribute to right order in our community? Jackie Stillwell is the General Secretary of Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR). RSWR gives grants to groups of marginalized women in Guatemala, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and India to fund individual micro-enterprise projects. Jackie is a former clerk of New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) and has facilitated this workshop at Quaker gatherings for many years.

This workshop will be in-person only and will be held on Friday, June 7th from 4-5:30 PM.

Election Violence Prevention

with Emily Provance

in-person only

Friends have been central to election violence prevention work in East Africa since 2008. We can learn a lot from their expertise and from other international peacebuilders. This will be a casually structured, interactive conversation in which we'll

  • define election violence (which is not limited to election day),

  • hear about the warning signs that indicate possible election violence,

  • explore how Quaker faith and practice prepares us for election violence prevention work,

  • talk a bit about best practice strategies for building resilient communities that can respond to a contentious election process nonviolently.

Emily Provance travels in the ministry, leading programs and writing extensively on topics related to faith and community. She is an associate of Good News Associates and a member of 15th Street Monthly Meeting, New York Yearly Meeting. Read Emily’s blog here.

This workshop will be held on Friday, June 7th at 4:00-5:30 PM.

The Dance Within and Between Us...

…understanding and navigating our internal and external conflicts and nurturing safe spaces to explore a deeper understanding of our diversity and how it enriches our life together

With Faith Marsalli and Leann Williams

in-person only

Effective discernment is grounded in our ability to listen deeply to each other with trust and grace. Deep listening requires learning how to hear what is underneath the words. We will explore tools from positive psychology and physiology to help us better understand what is happening in the dance between us, inspiring hope for this beautiful new thing we are co-creating together.

Leann is a recorded minister with SCYMF and facilitates faith community gatherings in north Idaho under the umbrella of Friends in Common. Faith is a semi-retired recorded minister with SCYMF.  She is an individual member of SCYMF and resides in Klamath Falls. Leann and Faith are co-clerks of the Nurture of Ministry Committee.

This workshop will be held on Saturday, June 8th at 4-5: 30 PM.

Trans 201: Beyond the Basics

with Nat

in person only

You know what it means to be transgender and are ready to continue your journey of understanding.

What do trans people want when they show up at your meeting? How can you provide the best possible welcome? What role can a faith community play in supporting trans people? Join Nat as we explore these questions together. 

Nat is a lifelong resident of western Washington, although his spiritual journey has covered more varied landscapes. Nat attends Camas Friends

This workshop will be held on Friday, June 7th at 4-5:30 PM

Praying with SoulCollage®

with Ruba Byrd

in person only

This intuitive collage process opens you to self-discovery, meditation, and wordless prayer. Through a simple guided process, we will create one or more prayer cards to use as windows into our own deeper communion with God. Scissors, glue, matboards, and a kaleidoscope of images are provided, though you are welcome to bring your own images and photos to use. 

Ruba Byrd is the pastor of Eugene Friends Church and a spiritual director. For many years she has used music and the visual arts as transformative spiritual practices. 

This workshop will be held on Saturday, June 8th at 4-5:30 PM.

Ways for Friends to Engage with AFSC’s work for Peace and Justice

with Brian Blackmore, AFSC’s Director of Quaker Engagement

in person and virtual

Come hear updates about American Friends Service Committee’s work to promote peace and justice in the world, including AFSC’s economic activism, efforts to de-militarize police forces, peacemaking in the Middle East, and AFSC’s social change leadership program for young adults. Brian Blackmore, AFSC’s Director of Quaker Engagement, will be sharing a “menu” of opportunities for Friends to get involved, and he is eager to learn more from you about the good work being done at the local meeting level.

Brian Blackmore is a member of Gainesville Monthly Meeting, an educator, historian, activist, and community builder whose lifelong career has focused on religion, social justice, and peacemaking.

This workshop will be held on Saturday, June 8th at 4-5:30 PM.